Monday, February 17, 2020

helm 2 on Debian 10

There is a fairly recent go 1.13.6 in Debian 10 backports so add that to your repositories list and apt-get update to refresh.

  • apt-get -d install golang-1.13
The version of Helm 2 installed here will be

  • helm-v2.16.1-linux-amd64

Helm version 2 still uses 'tiller' so our init and readyness for letsencrypt will be as follows:
  • kubectl label ...
  • helm init --service-account tiller --history-max 200
  • kubectl apply --validate=false -f 00-crds.yaml
  • kubectl create namespace cert-manager
  • helm repo add jetstack
  • helm repo update
  • helm install ... 

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Elitebook and other ryzen based laptops

Although Debian 10 and other recent Linux include a amdgpu display driver, it is still very new and only a portion of the cpu range is fully supported.

If in any doubt, and you don't fancy wrestling with xorg.conf, then you can install the non-free firmware 'firmware-amd-graphics' (see link)

This was the quickest solution for me and got me up and running with a Graphical desktop.

Note: Ensure you have non-free enabled in sources.list or manually download the deb to install.

Links and ref: