Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Ubuntu drum roll - silence or be damned!

This post relates to Ubuntu 12.04 lts (Precise) and newer only.

There are plenty of forum posts and conflicting advice out there, but here is what works:

Commands to type:

cd /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/
sudo mv system-ready.ogg system-ready.ogg.disabled

Shown as a screenshot here:

Now restart your computer, and check the login screen, no longer gives a drum roll.

Before the change - how did everything look (default):

Recap - describing what I did:

The drum roll when the greeter screen (lightdm) is first displayed, is the system file system-ready.ogg

That file system-ready.ogg is a symbolic link to the actual sound file dialog-question.ogg

By moving system-ready.ogg to new name system-ready.ogg.disabled,
the Ubuntu system is unable to find what it has looked for, and you get what you want - silence!

No more drum roll every time the Ubuntu login screen is displayed.

Previous versions of Ubuntu and Gnome:

Ubuntu 11 and earlier did have a more Graphical and user friendly way of disabling the login drum roll.

There are plenty of forum posts about that.

To clarify: Advice that works for 12.04 lts will be different to advice that works for Ubuntu 11 or Ubuntu 10

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